Cosgrave Reservoir

Located about 7 kms from the Creswick Post Office along the Melbourne Road, turning left onto the Dean Road, and then within a couple hundred metres turn left again onto an unsigned dirt track, and then again within 100 metres, turn left off one dirt track onto another dirt track which leads within 200 metres to the dam wall. 

Warning: these dirt tracks can get fairly rough, and extremely boggy in wet weather.

The reservoir has redfin of all sizes with bags of half a dozen or so fish (0.6 to 1 kilogram) possible.

The trout in Cosgrove can be as large as 3-4 kilograms, but more frequently they are 1-2 kilograms. Large tench are also present. The best method to fish here is using mudeyes under a running float, worms on the bottom, lures and both wet and dry flies. Yabbies and minnows can also produce good fish.

Cosgrave Reservoir

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