Creswick Railway Workshops Association Inc.

The Beginning:
In late 2009 a focus group was set up to gauge local interest in using and preserving the old Creswick Railway Station and out buildings.

In March 2010, Hepburn Shire Council voted to endorse the project in principle.

CRWA was formed on 12 August 2010 and later incorporated

Statement of Purpose:
The CRWA will be the community guardian of the historic railway precinct, which includes the old Creswick Railway Station buildings, Goods Shed and immediate surrounds.

The CRWA will create and administer a community arts and active workshop precinct for people of all ages and capability in a manner that ensures financial, environmental, social and heritage sustainability.

Aims for the Railway precinct:           
An iconic Project for Creswick

To create a series of working and leisure areas to meet the needs of our community, now and into the future.

To create a community hub that encourages young people and the general community to become skilled and involved in the arts, trades, ecology and history of the area. 

To develop partnerships with the local community, business, State and Federal government agencies and local government.

To develop surrounds that will further tourism by providing products and information tourists seek, contributing to the local economy.

To encourage greater interaction between the local community and the indigenous community. 

To build upon existing attractions and activities to encourage visitors and tourists to enjoy their time in our region.

$5.00 per person. Membership forms are available at the Creswick Neighbourhood Centre.

We’d like you to join us in creating a special place.

For more information
about this project, please contact the CRWA Secretary Ms Judy Henderson 

Creswick Railway Workshops Association Inc.

Upcoming Events

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Although funding for this project has been provided by both the Australian and Victorian Governments, the material contained herein does not necessarily represent the views of either Goverment