Creswick & District Historical Society

We are a non profit organisation for all with an interest in the history of Creswick and district,     

We’re an enthusiastic and active group from a variety of backgrounds, all passionate about the history of this district, and always keen to hear from others interested in contributing to the work of researching, recording, restoring, informing, celebrating, cherishing and promoting the vivid and exciting history of this region,

The Society has achieved much since its inception almost 40 years ago, and continues to pursue an ambitious program. Recent projects include:

  • Establishment of an Honour Roll of individuals who made significant contributions to their community
  • Inception of an annual Honour Roll Dinner held in the Creswick Town Hall
  • Publication of  Portraits of Creswick,  and by David Henderson: Cabbage Tree, The Henderson Map  and  Let’s Stroll and See, a walking booklet of the town
  • Creation of a DVD about Lincoln Gully - a puddling site
  • Contributing to creation and installation of the Eureka Marker in Calembeen Park
  • Digitising the records of all Creswick’s churches
  • Recovery and placement of grinding stone on original site of Laby’s Flour Mill
  • Providing guided bus tours to historic places of interest around town
  • Curating and ‘staffing’ a week long exhibition of WW1 memorabilia in the Town Hall, attracting over 1,000 visitors
  • Placing a memorial marker near the site of WW11  Prime Minister, John Curtin’s birth home
  • Donation of crockery to the Town Hall collection
  • Holding an annual Family History Day in October when three or four people talk on their family’s history and contribution to the lifestyle of the town
  • Indexing and identifying all original Crown purchasers of land in the Shire and Borough

We enjoy collegiate relationships with Hepburn Shire and numerous local groups and were especially delighted with the success of our collaborative contribution to the town’s 100th Commemoration of ANZAC Day event in 2015.

The Society is a member of the Central Highlands Historical Association, networks with many local historical societies, contributes to the annual Family History Week, maintains a small library and undertakes research for a modest fee.

Creswick & District Historical Society welcomes new members, and especially newcomers to the district keen to know more about this picturesque, historic ‘village of the old goldfields’ or to contribute their expertise. We meet monthly at 2 pm on the 4th Thursday in the  Seniors’ Club Rooms, Water Street. Enquiries to the Secretary on 03 5345 2065 Visit Creswick & District Historical Society


The Society has assumed responsibility for the future co-ordination and delivery of Creswick's annual Australia Day Breakfast.  The event was in danger of fading away,due to lack of sufficient community support and the likelihood of reduced Shirefunding.  The C.& D.H.S. committee and membership considered this a most undesirable outcome.

With support from Creswick Lions Club, the C.& D.H.S. set about securing sufficient  people to assist and ensure the survival and continuation of this important community event.  Successful recruitment of over a dozen enthusiastic organisations followed, and Creswick's 2016 Australia Day celebration at Park Lake was a real success, attended by some 560 people.


The Dinner is an annual event at which former high achievers of Creswick and District are celebrated, and their names added to the Creswick Civic Honour Roll.

Those who have someone in mind to nominate can request Nomination Forms Honorary Secretary Marilyn Lennox(5334 7980).  Nominations will close in September.  You only need to complete the form and give as much information of the accomplishments and service of the Nominee as possible.  You don’t need to have known the Nominee but you need to be certain of their history and plaque worthiness.  The Committee can do further research if required.

Click here to go to Honor Roll details

Who would you like to see honoured?

C&DHS wishes to acknowledge the following supporters:

  • Creswick Lions Club
  • Creswick-Smeaton RSL
  • Creswick CFA
  • Shire of HepburnCreswick Football-Netball Club
  • Creswick Scouts & Venturers
  • Creswick Municipal Band
  • The Seven Hills Singers
  • Tim Drylie
  • Creswick Garden Club
  • Melbourne University School of Eco-science
  • Creswick local traders: Creswick Foodworks Supermarket, Creswick Country Bakery


Creswick & District Historical Society

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