UBC Web Design

UBC Web Design

We connect you with the world

  • Web Design & Development
  • Business and Personal Websites
  • Web Casting
  • Secure Hosting
  • Domain Registration
  • Personal Email Address
  • EDM (Electronic Direct Marketing)

UBC Web Design is an Australian web design company, based in Central Victoria and specialises in helping small to medium enterprises (SME's) 'Connect with the World' with cost effective, content managed websites.

Contact UBC Web Design now and let us help you create your new website. Remember, it's not hard and it's not expensive to have a website for your business.

UBC Web Design

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Proudly sponsored by UBC Web DesignVictoria State GovernmentAustralian Government

Although funding for this project has been provided by both the Australian and Victorian Governments, the material contained herein does not necessarily represent the views of either Goverment