Creswick Museum

Opening Hours
Opening Hours are Weekends and Public Holidays 11.00am to 3.30pm and other times by special arrangement.

The establishment of a museum became a desire for the town after WW2 especially with the passing of the older generation who were born in the Creswick district. Mary Lindsay, herself wrote to Mrs Curtin, after John Curtin’s death, asking for a token for the future museum.

The Museum is housed in the old Creswick Town Hall (built in 1876, , a magnificent two storey National Trust classified building, with a tower and clock. It was opened to the public on 20th November 1970 by Sir Daryl Lindsay. The interior of the building is notable for the magnificent classic winding staircase of local Basalt. From the balcony on the second floor you can look down onto the Lindsay Gallery.

Downstairs is a display of early colonial paintings by Moyle, Tibbits & Burkitt dating from 1859. The Bank Chamber is used to display the Current  & Future Exhibitions with pride of place the State School Honour Board made by Sloyd students honouring past students who served during WW1. The Mining Room tells the story of Gold Mining, in particular the worst gold mining accident in Australia when in 1882 only 5 men survived and 22 men lost their lives.

Upstairs, is the former Council Chambers, with its leather chairs surrounding a polished table and portraits of local politicians, much as it was when the Council vacated the building and moved next door in 1969. Along the balcony are works by Victor Litherland, a naïve painter. The Museum has 60 of his works.

The Museum has special exhibitions on a regular basis.   

The Museum also houses a small collection of artworks by the famous Lindsay family, mainly of work by Lionel and Daryl. Click here for more information about The Legendary Lindsay's.

You can access Creswick History by visiting the Creswick Research Centre, 1 Raglan Street, Creswick on Fridays and Saturdays 11.00am- 3.00pm.

Find us on Facebook: Creswick Museum.

Creswick Museum

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