The Creswick Regional Park offers a variety of outdoor activities for all ages in peaceful surroundings.

Panning for gold along Slaty Creek is a popular pastime in the park. All adults must hold a current Miner's Right to engage in fossicking. Remember to fill any holes and leave the area as you found it. Relics must not be disturbed or removed.


Common birds in the area include Grey Currawongs, Crimson Rosellas, White-throated Tree-creepers, Grey Fantails, Thornbills, Robins and Honeyeaters. Two migratory species found in the gullies are the Rufous Fantail and Satin Flycatcher.

Koalas and Black Wallabies are common, although they can be difficult to locate. The Koala's main food source is the Manna Gum, a white-trunked tree with hanging ribbons of bark on its trunk. It is common in damper gullies along with Candlebark Gums.


Eucalypts growing in the park include Messmate, Manna Gum, Scent-bark, Broad-leaved Peppermint and Narrow-leaved Peppermint. Candlebarks also grow in gullies and are easily recognised by their stark white trunks.

Victoria's floral emblem, the Common Heath, is one of the plants frequently found growing under eucalypts. Look for its pink or white bells. There are many plants from the pea family growing, including the rich purple flowered Hardenbergia or "Sarsparilla".


Walkers should always stay on designated tracks as there are many deep mine shafts throughout the Park.

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